Manute Bol Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Manute Bol

Manute Bol was a Sudanese basketball player. He became famous in the NBA for his incredible height and shot-blocking skills. He was born in Turalei, South Sudan on October 16, 1962, and sadly passed away at the age of 47 on June 19, 2010. With a height of almost 7’7″, he was one of the tallest players to ever play the game.

He had a total of ten children, four of whom were with his second wife Ajok Deng. His son Bol Bol followed in his footsteps and also became a talented basketball player.

Who is Manute Bol?

Manute Bol was a very tall man who loved to play basketball. He was born in a place called South Sudan. Manute was so tall, like a giant, and he played games where he had to stop a ball from getting into a net.

People liked to watch him play because he was good at stopping the ball. He was not just tall; he was also very kind. Manute had a big family with ten kids, and one of his kids plays basketball too. He liked to help people and make them smile. Manute was special because he showed us that being kind is important.


NameManute Bol
Date of BirthOctober 16, 1962
Death47 on June 19, 2010
BirthplaceTuralei, South Sudan
Real Name

Manute Bol’s real name is Bol Manute Bol. It sounds special, doesn’t it? Just like a song or a fun game of echo where you say something, and it comes back to you. His name is just like him – unique and wonderful. Imagine having a name that sounds like a happy repeat; that’s what his name does.

. Just like a storybook character with a name that fits just right, Bol’s name is perfect for him.

Early Life and Education

Manute Bol was a very tall man when he grew up, but he was once a little kid just like you. He lived in a place called South Sudan with his family. When Manute was a kid, he didn’t play with basketballs right away.

Instead, he helped his family by looking after cows. Manute didn’t start playing basketball until he was much older than most kids who play the game. He learned to play without any fancy shoes or courts, just a ball and a hoop his friends made. He did not go to a big school for basketball. But, he became very good because he practiced a lot and worked hard.

Parents and siblings.

Manute Bol had a mom named Madute and a dad named Okwok. He grew up in a place with lots of open space in South Sudan. Manute wasn’t an only child; he had brothers and sisters, but the exact number isn’t well known. Imagine having a family so big that your house was always full of laughter and games.

Manute and his siblings probably played a lot together. They maybe even learned to be good at sports or to help around the house. Manute learned many important things from his mom and dad growing up. They taught him to be kind and to work hard.


Manute Bol was married to a wonderful lady named Ajok Deng. Together, they shared a beautiful life and were blessed with four amazing children. Ajok was very special to Manute, and they cared for each other deeply. Just like in fairy tales, princes and princesses live happily. Manute and Ajok had their own happy story.

Ajok was not just Manute’s wife but also his best friend. They loved spending time together, sharing stories, and helping others. Their family was filled with love and laughter, making their home a very happy place.


Manute Bol was a dad to ten kids! That’s a lot of brothers and sisters. Among them was one of his sons, Bol Bol. He followed in his father’s footsteps and became a basketball player too. He shot hoops just like his dad.

Manute loved all his kids very much and enjoyed spending time with them. They had fun together, probably playing games, sharing stories, and laughing a lot. Imagine having such a tall dad; it would be like having your very own giant at home to play with! Manute’s family was very special, filled with love and happiness.

Manute Bol physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Manute Bol was super tall, almost like a gentle giant walking among us. Imagine looking up and up, and still seeing more of him! He stood nearly as tall as two giraffes stacked on each other, at almost 7 feet and 7 inches. He wasn’t very heavy for someone so tall, his weight was 88 kilograms.

which is like having five big dogs together on a scale. He was tall and lean, like a beanstalk. This made him perfect for reaching up high and blocking basketballs from going into the hoop. With his long arms and legs, he moved gracefully, like a tall tree swaying in the wind.

Manute Bol Before Fame

Before Manute Bol became famous for playing basketball, he had a very different life. He didn’t start playing basketball until he was much older. Manute used to look after cows in his hometown in South Sudan. He didn’t have fancy basketball courts or shoes, but that didn’t stop him from loving the game.

Manute practiced a lot with his friends, using a homemade hoop. He learned to play the game just by trying again and again. This shows us that you can become good at something even if you start late or don’t have everything you need at first.

Manute Bol Career

Manute Bol played a game called basketball, where he had to stop the ball from going into a hoop. He was very good at it because he was so tall! Manute played for teams called the Washington Bullets and the Golden State Warriors. People cheered for him because he could block the ball better than anyone else.

Even though he scored points, he was famous for stopping others from scoring. Manute showed everyone that being tall can help you do amazing things in basketball. He made his teams very proud and happy because he worked hard and played well.

Manute Bol Net Worth

Manute Bol was like a superhero in basketball and did a lot of good things for people. He worked really hard and became very good at basketball. Because he was so good, he earned money from playing the game. Imagine having a piggy bank that gets filled up every time you do something amazing!

Manute’s net worth is $2 million. That’s like if you saved a dollar every day for lots and lots of years! He isn’t playing basketball anymore. But, people still remember how great he was and all the good things he did with his savings.

Manute Bol Famous Reason

Manute Bol was famous because he was really, really tall and amazing at basketball. He could block the ball from going into the hoop better than almost anyone else. People loved to watch him play. He was like a giant on the basketball court, reaching high and stopping the other team from scoring.

Manute played for big teams and showed everyone that being tall can help you do wonderful things in sports. He was great at blocking shots. He was kind and gentle. These traits made him a hero to many. That’s why people still remember and celebrate him.

Manute Bol Nationality and religion.

Manute Bol came from a place far away called South Sudan, which means he was Sudanese. This is a country with lots of sunshine, big lands, and many different kinds of people. Manute was very proud of where he came from.

He also believed in being kind and helping others, which is part of his religion. Manute followed a faith that taught him to love and care for everyone around him. Just like in stories, characters use their powers for good. Manute used his big heart and kind ways to help people. He showed how much he cared about his home and everyone in it.

Manute Bol Death

Manute Bol was a very tall and kind man who loved basketball. But one sad day, on June 19, 2010, he had to say goodbye to the world. He was only 47 years old, which isn’t very old. Manute got really sick before he passed away. It was tough for his family. It was also hard for all the people who loved watching him play basketball or were helped by his big heart. He did many good things while he was here, like helping people and being a great dad. He isn’t here anymore.

Manute Bol’s story doesn’t end because he still lives in the hearts of his family, friends, and fans. They keep his memory alive by telling stories about him and continuing to help others, just like he did. Remember: Manute Bol was much more than a tall basketball player. He was a hero to many.


  • Just like in his professional life, Manute Bol loved playing basketball even in his free time. He enjoyed sharing his skills with his kids and friends.
  • Manute had a big heart. He liked to help people, especially from his home country, South Sudan. He used charity work to make others happy.
  • When Manute wasn’t on the basketball court or helping others, he liked to relax by watching movies. He enjoyed stories that made him laugh.
  • Manute loved being with his family. Playing games, telling stories, or just sitting together made him very happy.

Interesting Facts About Manute Bol

  • Manute Bol was really tall, almost as high as two big refrigerators stacked up!
  • He played a game where he tried to stop the ball from going into a hoop. He was super good at it.
  • Bol came from a faraway place called South Sudan, where he grew up with lots of brothers and sisters.
  • His full name, Bol Manute Bol, sounds like a cool echo!
  • Even though he was so tall, he liked to help people and did many kind things.
  • Bol had a big family with ten kids. Imagine having nine brothers and sisters!
  • His son Bol Bol is also great at the same game, just like his dad.


Do you know Manute Bol was super, super tall?

He was 7 feet 7 inches tall!

Where does Manute Bol come from?

He was born a long time ago, in 1962, in a faraway place called South Sudan.

Guess what he?

Manute Bol played a game called basketball, where he was really good at stopping the ball from going into a hoop. People cheered for him a lot! He also had a big family with ten kids.

Can you imagine having nine brothers and sisters?

And, his son Bol Bol plays basketball too, just like his dad! Manute Bol helped many people and was very kind.


In the world of big games and tall people, Manute Bol stood out like a giant friendly tree. His story is like a wonderful book that teaches us to reach high, help others, and love our families. Even though he was very tall and played a big game, basketball, what makes him super special is his kind heart. Manute showed us that being good and helping others is the best game we can play.

Remember, it’s not just about how tall you are, but how big your heart is. And Manute Bol’s heart was as huge as his amazing height. So, let’s all try to be as kind and caring as he was, making the world a better place, one kind act at a time.


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