Woesenpai Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024


Woesenpai is a name that needs no introduction. This popular TikToker, model, and influencer has millions of fans. Her dance videos and stunning physique have captivated them. Born as Alexandra Cohen on September 3, 1996, in the U.S., Woesenpai has come a long way since her early days on social media.

As of 2024, she is 28 years old and has already established a successful career for herself. But her age is just a number compared to her massive net worth of $2 million.

Who is Woesenpai?

Woesenpai is like a bright star on TikTok, a place on the internet where you can watch short, fun videos. She loves to dance and share her moves with everyone. Imagine dancing in your room and millions of people cheering for you! That’s what she does. She picks cool songs from singers like Soulja Boy and Charli XCX and dances to them.

Woesenpai also likes to show everyone how strong and fit she is. Think of her as a superhero who dances instead of flying! Her real name is Alexandra Cohen, but on the internet, everyone knows her as Woesenpai.


Date of BirthSeptember 3, 1996
Age28 years old as of 2024
BirthplaceUnited States

Real Name

Woesenpai is like a superhero with a secret name. But guess what? Her real, everyday name is Alexandra Cohen. It’s like when you play a game and choose a cool name for your character. Alexandra did that too!

She chose “Woesenpai” to be her special name on the internet, where she shares her dance moves and fun videos. Like you might pick a fun name when gaming, Alexandra chose a cool name for TikTok and Instagram. So, when we say Woesenpai, we’re also talking about Alexandra!

Early Life and Education

Growing up, Woesenpai, or Alexandra Cohen as her real name is, lived in a place called the United States. Imagine a young girl, just like you, going to school and learning all sorts of interesting things. She was once a kid, playing and making friends.

School was a big part of her life, where she learned to read, write, and maybe even first danced! Think of your own school and the fun you have learning. That’s how Woesenpai started too. She sat in a classroom, dreaming of what she could become. And look at her now!

Parents and siblings.

Imagine you have a secret team who always cheers for you, helps you, and loves you no matter what. That’s what Woesenpai’s family is like for her! She has a mom and dad who think she’s super special. They are like her biggest fans!

And if she has brothers or sisters, they are part of her team too. They’re always there to watch her dance and cheer her on in everything she does. Isn’t it cool to have a team like that?


Woesenpai keeps her love life like a secret treasure map, not showing the X that marks the spot. Like in stories where heroes hide their secrets, she doesn’t say much about having a boyfriend. It’s a bit like when you have a secret friend that only you know about.

So, we can imagine her heart is a locked treasure chest, waiting for the right time to open up. And just like any good adventure, we’re all excited to see where the map leads!

Woesenpai physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Woesenpai is just as tall as a grown-up, standing at 5 feet 5 inches. That’s like if you stacked lots of small books on top of each other until they reached way up high! She weight is as much as 58 kg, which sounds like a lot, but it’s just right for someone her height.

She’s strong and fit because she dances a lot. Dancing is like playing, but it also helps you stay healthy and happy. So, Woesenpai’s height and weight are just perfect for all the fun dances she loves to do!

Woesenpai Before Fame

Before Woesenpai became a star on the internet, she was just a kid who loved to dance and have fun. Imagine a little girl with big dreams, dancing around her room, not afraid to be silly or make up her own moves.

She didn’t have millions of fans yet, but she had a passion for dancing and a big imagination. Alexandra, or Woesenpai as we know her now, would turn up the music and dance like no one was watching. This was her playground, where she first learned she could make people happy with her dance moves.

Woesenpai Career

Woesenpai’s job is being amazing on the internet! She started by making little videos on TikTok and Instagram. Imagine using your phone to make a fun movie and then showing it to the whole world. That’s what she does! She dances and shows off her cool moves. People from many places watch her and feel happy.

Because she is so good at this, more and more people started to watch her every day. Now, she has lots of fans who can’t wait to see her next video. She turned her love for dancing and making videos into her job!

Woesenpai Net Worth

Woesenpai has saved up a big treasure chest from her adventures on the internet! It’s like she’s been collecting golden coins for every dance video she shares. Guess how much she has estimated net worth is $2 million!

It’s as if she has a huge mountain of toys, but instead, it’s money from being super good at what she does. She got all this treasure by making lots of people smile and dance with her on TikTok and Instagram. Isn’t it amazing how sharing fun stuff can turn into treasure?

Woesenpai Famous Reason

Woesenpai became super famous because she knows how to dance in a way that makes everyone want to join in. You turn on your favorite song. You start dancing, feeling happy and free. That’s what Woesenpai does, but she shares it on the internet for everyone to see.

She picks cool songs that make you want to move and shows off dances that are fun to watch and easy to learn. People love watching her because she makes dancing look like the best game ever. It’s like she invites everyone to her dance party, and that’s why so many people love her!

Woesenpai Nationality and religion.

Woesenpai, or Alexandra Cohen, comes from a big place called the United States. Imagine a map of the world like in your classroom, and you can find the United States there! It’s a country with people from all different places and lots of different beliefs. As for what she believes in, like if she has a favorite story or tradition, that’s her personal secret garden.

People believe in many things. Sometimes, they like to keep it a secret, like a hidden treasure. We all come from different spots on the map. Woesenpai is from a place known for its big dreams and diverse people!

Woesenpai Social Media

In the magical world of the internet, Woesenpai is like a bright, shining star on social media! Imagine a place where you can share pictures and videos for everyone to see. That’s where Woesenpai plays and shares her dance moves with everyone. She uses TikTok, where she has lots of friends—over 1.8 million!

Think of TikTok like a giant playground where kids from all around the world come to watch her dance. She also has Instagram, like a photo album where she puts all her fun pictures. It’s like showing your drawing book to everyone who wants to see. So, Woesenpai uses the internet to share her joy and creativity. She makes people happy with her dancing and photos!

Woesenpai Legacy and Impact

Woesenpai is a shining light on the internet. It shows that it’s cool to share your fun and happiness with others. By dancing and laughing in her videos, she teaches us all a very important lesson: be brave and be yourself! She makes the world a brighter place with her moves and smiles.

Woesenpai is like a superhero. Her power is to make people happy and dancey just by watching her. She’s helping make a world where everyone can feel free to show who they are, just like she does. Isn’t that an amazing thing to do?

Woesenpai Future Plains

Woesenpai has big dreams for the future! Imagine you have a magic book where you can draw and write about all the things you want to do when you grow up. That’s what Woesenpai is doing. She wants to make even more dance videos, so people all over the world can dance with her.

She dreams of visiting new places, like a treasure hunter seeking adventures. And guess what? She wants to learn new dances and share them with everyone. It’s like planning a big, fun party where everyone is invited to dance and celebrate together!


  • Woesenpai loves to dance. She enjoys moving to fun music like Soulja Boy and Charli XCX. It’s like playing a game where she gets to make up her own moves!
  • She has a lot of fun creating cool videos for TikTok. It’s like putting on a little show for her friends and fans all around the world.
  • Woesenpai enjoys going to new places. It’s like going on an adventure to see what cool things she can find.
  • Music is very important to her. It’s like having a soundtrack for her day, making everything more fun.
  • She loves capturing moments with photos. It’s like keeping a box of memories that she can look at anytime to remember the fun times.

Interesting Facts About Woesenpai

  • Woesenpai loves to dance to fun music like Soulja Boy and Charli XCX.
  • She has a big group of fans on TikTok – over 1.8 million people!
  • Woesenpai’s real name is Alexandra Cohen. But, everyone calls her Woesenpai on the internet.
  • She shares cool videos that show off her dance moves and her style.
  • Woesenpai started sharing her fun stuff online when she was pretty young.
  • She’s not just famous on TikTok; people like her photos and videos on Instagram too.
  • Woesenpai is as tall as five apples stacked on top of each other and weighs as much as about 58 sugar bags.
  • She loves making videos to make people smile and feel happy.


So, you’ve got questions about Woesenpai, huh? Let’s see if we can answer some of them!

How old is she?

Woesenpai is 28 years old.

What does she like to do?

She loves dancing, making videos, traveling, listening to music, and taking photos.

Who is she really?

Her real name is Alexandra Cohen, but everyone calls her Woesenpai on the internet.

How tall is she?

She’s as tall as 5 stacks of pancakes!

And how many people follow her?

Wow, over 1.8 million friends on TikTok! That’s a lot of buddies. So, did we answer your questions? I hope so!


In the end, Woesenpai, or Alexandra Cohen, is someone really special on the internet. She’s like a star on TikTok, where she shares her dances and makes everyone smile. Imagine having over 1.8 million friends from all around the world who love your dances! She’s also smart about sharing cool photos and making her fans happy.

Woesenpai shows us that if you’re kind and share your talents, you can make a lot of friends and have a lot of fun. She reminds us to always be ourselves and to keep dancing through life, just like she does.


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